

  • Building products and growing businesses for the past 14 years across B2B mostly and B2C.
  • Enjoyed the intricacies of a B2B business - complex, nuanced and strategic.
  • Working in a B2C product management for a couple of gigs really opened my eyes to the power of good design, how to effectively stir up emotions and how to stay agile in fast-changing market.
  • Running my own business taught me how to juggle sales, marketing, product, operations and finance all at once, and how to adapt on the fly. It was the most invigorating and eye-opening experience, ever.
  • Building a business and the art of joining the pieces is so satisfying. Of all, it doesn't have to be crazy.
  • I still dream of running my calm company one day - maybe one person or a few persons internet business. We definitely need more calm companies. Justin Jackson wrote a great piece on it here.

Here are some of the products and companies that I have built and grown

Altus- Portfolio and Project Management Software

Altus PPM software.png

I am driving the growth of Altus, a PPM software beyond the shores of Australia. Tackling the tricky problems of scalability, being smart with our resources and where best to place our bets.

RLDatix - International Workforce Management software provider

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Allocate Software (subsequently acquired by RLDatix) is an international workforce management software company that plays predominately in healthcare. Think: safe rostering and better employment engagement = better patient outcomes.

I was a key member of the APAC Leadership team and was the only Regional Product Manager for the APAC market with a P&L of over $10M. I grew the flagship rostering product and piloted 2 new products - one is the data capability and the other is an employee engagement mobile app.

Origin Energy

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My first foray into B2C where I got introduced into the world of digital transformation. I looked after the digital proposition for everything related to moving home and connecting up to power in fuss-free manner while wrangling the complex operating model of retailer, distributor and regulators.

Oh My Candles - Never Throw A Candle Away Again

Oh My Candles - Never Throw A Candle Jar Away Again .png

I started this gig with my partner because I was tired of tossing out perfectly good used candle jars.

So I figured, why not give these jars a second chance to shine? Simple as ordering a refill block and just pop right back into the jars - keeping it eco-friendly and stylish all the same time.

We initially launched our business via local markets and I brought the business online when Covid hits. It did even better, online. And I learnt a whole new world about digital marketing.

It is a fun little hustle and I still have some of the inventory.

Fundamental Cents - Gamifying Financial Literacy

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I started Fundamental Cents with the aim of teaching kids how to manage money so they can grow up with the knowledge and mindset to get ahead in life.

This is my first big step in running a business and I had a good run.

• Won the innovative social cause award at Darebin Pitch IT competition
• Awarded the Leader Local grant, a highly competitive grant scheme
• Secured deals with councils in northern suburbs of Melbourne within 6 months of launch

BNP Paribas Cash Management

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My first gig at Product Development was at BNP Paribas - where they were starting up the Cash Management Asia Pacific Strategy.

I was part of the new team in the Singapore office , where we think globally and act locally for our product launches. I led the product development efforts in the Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand and Australia market - most of which are greenfield initiatives.

This experience had a special place in my heart - because the experience introduced me to different countries and of all, Australia - where I end up calling it home.